Cela Creations Boutique

Cela Creations Boutique
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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Just in from from a Great Show

Hi All, Sorry It's been so long,
I can tell you I am feeling blue today. Blue enough to write and tell you about it... Although I had a "good show" today for most these days...I feel even the so called "haves" are sacrificing quality for quantity!!! That saddens me.
I have always been one to feel that quality speaks far more than quantity. My own mother who grew up in the depression error would tell me time and time again..." I had one beautiful dress that I would wash every other evening and wear it to work every third day...I loved and appreciated it so much! It felt like a dream the fabric was so nice! " (She paid 35.00 for that dress at the time) People still tell me they remember my mother as one of the most elegant ladies they ever met. They don't remember how many dresses she wore or how many pieces of jewelry she had. They remember her presense..so to speak...How she carried herself, and how elegant she always presented herself. I feel we have definetely gone away from this in every aspect of our lives. Especially in the USA. Since then I vowed to never sacrifice quality.. I would rather do with less than more "stuff" that didn't show quality..After all what you wear represents who you are...don't you think?